The Ethereal Tale of Sequel-Y & Sequel-Youth

Our Story

Amidst the cobblestone streets of London and ancient villages, two souls, Vicky and Yanice, intertwined to create Sequel-Y and Sequel-Youth.Vicky, an alumnus of the London College of Fashion at the University of Arts London, had the knack to transform dreams into tangible designs. Yanice, ever fascinated with human history and culture, found that every artifact whispered tales of the past.

Their paths converged in an enchanting oriental garden. Here, amidst the dance of koi fish and the scent of blooming lotuses, Vicky sketched designs inspired by nature’s embrace, while Yanice shared stories from her fieldwork in ethnic minority villages.In their journey, they collected tokens: a piece of fabric here, a handmade bead there, which all found their way into the essence of Sequel-Y—a jewelry brand that melded tradition with memories.

Recognizing the vigor of the younger generation, Sequel-Youth emerged, infused with a modern touch yet rooted in the same ethos.Their creations are not just jewelry; they're narratives. Adorning oneself with Sequel-Y and Sequel-Youth is to wear fragments of the world, art, and humanity.